Saturday, April 22, 2006

The Week That Was

Last week was holy week. It's my second favorite time of the year next to Christmas. My holy week vacation is probably one of the happiest vacations I had. We went home to Lupon (my hometown!) to spend the long weekend there. We spent our days at the beach and our farm. Even time spent at my maternal ancestral home was great. I really felt so rested and peaceful--- truly away from the hustle and bustle of the city and not to mention work! My kids really had the time of their lives. Not only they had the chance to be with their parents and grandparents for 4 straight whole days, they also loved the places we went to.

This brings me back to good old memories of my trips to Lupon during my younger days. My favorite memory is the travels I had with my cousins. We used to travel in a van and even though it wasn't airconditioned, we all enjoyed it especially the games we used to play during the trip. We used to wear a shirt around our faces because of the dust--- the roads weren't cemented then. And during our stay in Lupon, we would go to see our other cousins, roam around the town, go to carnivals and beaches. I could never forget the summer when we spent our days at the beach. My cousins and I suffered one of the most worst sunburns ever! But nevertheless it was one of my fondest childhood memories. Now it's my children's turn to enjoy it.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

"I Wanna be Just Like You"

posted by Jinggay at 11:20 AM 1 comments

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Most Helpful Awardee

special award
Originally uploaded by cheskakoojee.
The whole family just had to be there. We all went to Cheska's school to watch her receive her first award on her first recognition day. I felt so proud... even prouder than I felt when I graduated college. When I saw her sing and dance during their song number, I really felt goosebumps all over. It was such a joy watching my child on the stage.

First Class Picture

Class Picture
Originally uploaded by cheskakoojee.
The long Story about this picture... She almost did not make it to the picture taking. Her nanny forgot to tell us that it was Class Picture Taking Day. Cheska was not so eager to go to school so my Mom made her stay at home. Just a stroke of luck, Mom went to Victoria to buy groceries when she passed by Cheska's school and saw that all the kids lined up for the picture taking. She immediately called home and had the nanny dress Cheska, picked her up and rushed to the school. Whew! Good thing the session did not start til Cheska got there.
cheskakoojee's photos More of cheskakoojee's photos