Tuesday, November 02, 2004

All about Sleep

Sleep is one of the best things in life which is for free. Ironic but it is one luxury which is so hard to afford nowadays. With my little boy having insomnia and night terrors, whoever could get a healthy 8-hours sleep? My little girl on the other hand who is a lot more manageable has a bedtime past midnight. It’s such a relief though that the little girl likes to sleep in her Grandparents’ room whenever they’re in town.

I would sometimes ask the nanny if my boy could sleep with her just for
the night--- just so I could catch up with my much needed rest and so I wont look and act like a zombie at work the following day. (Note: I am genetically cursed with eyebags and dark circles around my eyes--- so my appearance really depends on my sleep).

Last night, got my luxury sleep without having to sacrifice sleeping beside my boy. Well, he slept like a baby (literally and figuratively speaking!). Thank goodness! As my body is scheduled to normally wake at dawn (around 3 or 4am) to turn off the AC and go to the bathroom. It suddenly occurred to me while yawning my way to the bed that sleep is indeed a wonderful thing. Not only because it is a necessity to the human body like water and air, but because during sleep, I am entering a totally different dimension. I feel like im in a different world. It’s a world where emotions are high and I feel that my spirits are soaring. Call me weird or lazy but I prefer sleeping than going out Saturday nights. Or am I just approaching my midlife phase? Yikes...

Well, going back to much talk about my favorite pasttime, it is truly one thing on my "COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS" list. Thank you God for sleep.


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